Cancer Story - Sam

Sam (centre back row), Maggie's service users and staff at the Top Ten Regeneration Warriors Award Ceremony.

"What good does it do to me if I were granted 3 more years of life, but only by staying in bed 24/7?” Sam thought to himself, after fighting against cancer and living on the edge of life for 5 years, during which time he underwent various therapies. Side effects caused by the treatment took over his daily life, resulting in emotional rollercoaster and often misery. Last year, after careful consideration and consultation with his doctor, Sam decided to stop being treated. That said, he is not waving a white flag and quite the contrary, he never ceases to live every single day to its fullest by spreading seeds of happiness everywhere he goes.

 “Life has certainly given us lemons,” said Sam. “But we can make much more than just lemonade – lemon tarts, sherbet, cheesecake, the list goes on!” At his low ebb in between treatments, Sam sought comfort in Maggie’s, a warm and welcoming place for those affected by cancer, and invited along his wife, who had also come to terms with cancer. Together with the help of Maggie's staff, other service users and Maggie's Choir, the couple has become stronger together and more active at the Centre, which they now call their “second home”.

For more than 20 years, Sam and his wife had provided foster care to more than 21 children in Hong Kong, until Sam was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2009. This did not stop him from giving, however, even when cancer returned in 2012. Empowered after hitting his rock bottom, Sam took magic lessons and joined the “elder-clown team”, bringing laughter to patients from all ages in hospital wards. He also became a self-taught balloon twister – his balloons, from a turtle wrist-band to a rose to a motorcycle, have brought much joy to volunteers, visitors, and other service users at Maggie’s. A joy that is shared is a joy made double; Sam is now running balloon and other arts & crafts workshops at Maggie’s to spread happiness and encourage those in need.

Cancer is now part of Sam’s life that makes him a stronger person every day. Having witnessed Sam’s transformation in the past years, Maggie’s nominated Sam to be “Top Ten Regeneration Warrior of 2015”, and on September 13, 2015, Sam was officially awarded by the Regeneration Society (he was the most senior among the ten!) for his courage and appreciation of life that inspired many others in different ways. Staff and service users of Maggie’s were there to support and celebrate with him, alongside Sam’s family and other friends.

When asked about his upcoming plans, Sam announced without a second’s hesitation, “to join the body donation programme and become a ‘silent teacher’ as soon as I’m ready!” Constantly motivated by his motto to not lose hope and courage “in the midst of infinitely great sunset”, Sam has demonstrated Maggie’s ethos, “to not lose the joy of living in the fear of dying.”